Thursday, December 11, 2014

Virginia Tech Employees in School

I so admire our Virginia Tech employees who seek a degree while working.  Today, December 11, 2014, is a reading day for Virginia Tech students.  Our students have one last day to prepare for exams and get ready for the final push of the semester. 

For those of you employed at Virginia Tech and attending school, this is likely just another day at work.  You probably don’t have the luxury of a reading day because you have bills to pay and work to do.  What you do have is the drive and ambition to improve yourself, to gain knowledge, and to add skills you know will benefit you in life and on the job.

It is wonderful that we belong to a learning community which values higher education.  We support employees who attend Virginia Tech through our tuition waiver program, and whenever financially possible, support our employees who attend other institutions through our tuition reimbursement program.  Our tuition policies are outlined here:

So if you are one of our many, many employees who are preparing for final exams of your own, best wishes for a successful result.  Congratulations for your perseverance and commitment to learning.  As an institution, we are proud of what you are doing. 

And if you are thinking of going back to school, take a look at our policies, consider your options, and go for it!  It will take a great deal of work, but bring you so much satisfaction you will wonder why it took you so long to believe in yourself enough to take this big step…


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