Monday, July 30, 2012

Do you take better care of your car than your body?

We love our cars. Even so, we worry about how much we spend on them - our gas, our repairs, keeping them looking clean and shiny… We know if we do a good job in maintaining our car, it will be less likely to break down and hit us in the wallet with a costly repair. It’s the old “pay me now or pay me later” idea. We get regular oil changes, check-ups at regular mileage intervals, even an annual inspection required by the state of Virginia.

Without you, the driver, the car isn’t going anywhere no matter how well you maintain it. The basic idea behind preventive maintenance for a car and preventive health care for its driver is similar – both the car and the driver need attention to keep running. And the driver of that car, you, is so much more important than any car will ever be and deserves the very best preventive care.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Welcome to Hal’s HR Happenings, a bi-monthly blog written by Virginia Tech’s Associate Vice President of Human Resources, Hal Irvin.

In this bi-monthly blog, Hal will share HR-related information with Virginia Tech's employees. If you have suggestions for topics that you'd like to know more about, please comment below.

Click here to learn more about Hal.